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  • 来源:来自于互联网
    转载时间:2019/7/1 14:25:02

移动APP开发的第一阶段是许多问题的答案。 您一定想知道您的应用会让人们满意,或者只是您想要的东西。 你必须找到你的目标用户,所以你不得不想知道什么样的人会使用你的APP。 一个关键的问题是问为什么应该使用你的APP,它的特点和优势在哪里。











在这个阶段,您必须为APP的开发做出决定性的决定,换句话说,您将必须确定您的APP是否支持多个操作系统和外围设备,这意味着什么 您的APP只能在Android或IOS版本中使用,因此您将开发一个获得这两个版本的APP。 您的APP是否与Windows版本兼容?

在此阶段做出此决定非常重要,因为,多个操作系统和设备开发APP需要更长的时间。 因此开发团队需要从一开始就意识到这个决定,否则您的APP开发可能会延迟。 此外,IOS APP,Android或Windows的开发成本也不尽相同。 为了帮助您做出选择,您将能够查询有关目标市场的数据,这是他们最常使用的操作系统?

然后即使这种差异随着时间的推移变得越来越不明显,Android APP的开发通常比iOS应用程序的开发更长,即Android APP的开发通常需要 比IOS APP多25%的时间。

大多数情况下,iOS是开发第一个应用程序的最合适平台,因为只需要调整少量目标设备和操作系统。 还应该知道,在中国,大多数人口使用包含IOS平台的设备。

该应用程序在操作系统下运行得更好。 这就是为什么在开发APP时不建议为多个操作系统开发它。

重要的是要知道市场上有超过14,000种不同的Android设备,因此要为每个Android设备优化APP非常困难。 因此,在Android版本的APP开发阶段和测试阶段,您必须密切关注。



通常,Android APP程序是用Java开发的,而iOS应用程序是用Swift和Objective-objective编写的。

但是还有许多其他替代品,如Xamarin,React Native和Ionic,它们是最受欢迎的替代语言。

如果你想开发iOS应用程序,Android和Windows没有深度的技术细节,你可以选择:通过使用两种不同的编程语言开发两个不同版本的应用程序,也可以使用跨平台开发工具,简化流程 如前所述的替代形式同时开发APP的两个版本。

Research and development planning of your APP

The first phase of mobile APP development is the answer to many questions. You must be wondering what your app will please people or is it just something you will like. You will have to find your target users for this so you have to wonder what kind of person will use your APP. A crucial question is to ask why your APP should be used, what does it bring more than others.

For you are going to have to analyze the market which means that you have to inquire about the existence of this type of APP on the market, the advantages that you have to beat your competitors, the differences between the existing APP and yours, that 'bring you innovative?

These questions force you to target your target market and your customers.

And that will make the work of the development group easier.

You need to thoroughly research market needs and customer needs to ensure that you identify and validate customer needs and profitability issues.

Then you have to calculate the size of the target market and check your product ideas.

You need to focus on your competitors, their APP, their customers and their business strategies.

This phase of research and confirmation of information can take a lot of time such as a lot of weeks but this step is essential to a good development of APP. You will also need to check the sources of your ideas.

To improve the user experience and to discover the usability problems you may encounter, you can use storyboards.

When determining the features of the mobile app, you will develop use cases that will serve as templates for the ideal user to interact with your app.

The more features you develop, the more complex your product will be and the longer the development of your app will take.

At this stage you will have to make a decisive decision for the development of your APP, in other words you will have to determine if your APP will support multiple operating systems and peripherals, which means is what your APP will only be available in Android or IOS version or so you will develop an APP that gets both versions. Will your APP be compatible with Windows versions?

It is very important to make this decision at this stage as developing an APP for multiple operating systems and devices takes longer. So the development team needs to be aware of this decision from the beginning or your APP development may be delayed.

Also the development cost of an IOS APP, Android or Windows is not the same. To help you make your choice you will be able to consult the data concerning your target market, which is the operating system they use the most?

Then even though this difference becomes less and less obvious over time, the development of an Android APP is usually longer than that of an iOS application, ie the development of an Android APP usually takes 25% more time than an IOS APP.

Most of the time iOS is the most appropriate platform for developing the first application, as only a small number of target devices and operating systems must be adapted. It should also be known that in China the majority of the population uses devices comprising the IOS platform.

The application works much better under an operating system. This is why when developing APP it is not recommended to develop it for several operating systems.

It is important to know that there are more than 14,000 different Android devices on the market, so it is very difficult to optimize the APP for each Android device. So you have to pay close attention during the development phase of your APP in Android version and during the test phase.

This often takes longer unless you limit the number of devices and screen resolutions supported.

If you want to develop iOS and Android app, you need to make sure your budget and time is at least doubled.

Generally, Android APP programs are developed in Java, while iOS applications are written in Swift and Objective-objective.

But there are many other alternatives such as Xamarin, React Native and Ionic which are the most popular alternative language.

If you want to develop iOS, Android, and Windows applications without deep technical details, then you can choose between: Developing two different versions of the app using two different programming languages, or you can simplify your process using cross-platform development tools alternative forms as cited previously to develop two versions of the APP simultaneously.

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